Thursday 28 April 2011

Today is a day, where nothing can happen.


      This is the day. A chapter complete, a moment forever solidified within memory of flesh and mind. It will fade, but its ghostly touch will remain, burning across my shaking fingers and fluttering eyelids. 

      I want to remember you forever, but such a time is approaching its close far too soon. 

        Forever is a life, and all good things end.

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Listen a moment, if you may spare your eyes;

I cannot speak coherently.

My words fall upon a deaf tongue; they struggle to string themselves together, to form patterns in the warm breath that mists before my chapped lips. It is dumb, this moment, this language of mine. Inconceivable. But yet I try again and again, a thousand times over, to express these unintelligible musings, these incomprehensible emotions.

Yet, as they fall on a deaf tongue,
 these poor words of mine,
they too fall on deaf ears. 

Monday 25 April 2011

For your ears only;

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

I'm sure you're all wondering who I am, but my name is inconseqential. All you need to know is that I'm not here to harm you, or to have any of my companions harm you.

(There is no need to cry, madam, this weapon is just for the cameras.)

Please, my dear friends, listen to what I have to say. I will only say this once, so pay attention."