Wednesday 19 October 2011

I fucking quit.

The other day I read an article in Frankie. It was called "I Fucking Quit." Must admit, that's the stage I'm at with my job at the moment, as well. Although I can't quite remember what the article was about, the title certainly stuck with me!

This morning I woke up sick. I went to bed with a killer headache, a nauseated feeling in my stomach and was dead tired from working. I decided to try and sleep it off, but didn't manage to shake it by 11.30. So, bracing myself, I called in sick. Lo and behold, my favourite manager was on duty. I disrupted her perfect day, making her stay back a few extra minutes to try and find someone to cover for me. The only reason it would be difficult was due to the fact that she, and every other damned manager in this shit hole, had failed to hire new staff members.

She didn't take it well. And after she told me the other night that she didn't trust me, despite my hard working nature and my desire to actually be a valuable employee, this was just a little too far, too soon.

So now I'm going to fucking quit. I'm looking for a new job, one where I might be able to find an employer who will appreciate me and what I assume are skills valuable to the hospitality industry. But fuck her, and fuck all my other bullshit managers who I have to put up with currently! I show them respect, I work hard for my money, and they have the nerve to spit it back in my face.

What would they have me do? Put up with their insults? No, instead I'm going to put a little anarchy in my heart. Stick it to them until I get a job offer, which shouldn't be too long considering my level of experience (I suppose I can thank them for this, at least!).

What little rebellion I have can take form in my uniform and general appearance. I've painted my nails, I'm going to by a new nose ring tomorrow, as well as some patterned stockings, and when I rock up at work I'm going to be sans name tag with hair messy around my face. Seems a little silly, this minimal approach, but if that bitch of a manager is on it'll cause her to blow a gasket.

Fuck her. Maybe I'll even slack off and spend most of it flirting with customers in the Sports Bar, like my slutty, dumb co-worker who gets away with being a slack cunt. But that story's for another day.

Monday 17 October 2011


What I need to do:

Take the dog for a walk,
study Japanese for my speaking test,
find a new job which I won't hate as much,
plan a story,
start a new project,
do something fun today.

What I will end up doing:

Get a hair cut,
go out and get drunk,
pretend to study,
write a sentence of a story,
browse job selections,
poke the dog in the nose.

Friday 24 June 2011

ideas, hopes and my new project.

I've decided to spend the next five weeks until Semester starts designing and brainstorming my first novel. All I have are the characters, the general tone of the novel (how pathetic! haha) and a vague idea of how it will shape up.

Obviously because I intend to work on this piece until it is the best it can be, I won't be uploading it onto the internet on any of the numerous websites I'm a part of. Aside from this, I do hope to be able to post side stories, or similar things, onto this blog or my deviantart account. Or even my tumblr, perhaps. I also hope to be able to draw the characters as I write down their stories and personalities in accordance to the novel. This part will probably be the most difficult, as many of the characters I intend to use come from vastly different universes to each other (and some of them are approaching a decade old...). But... I will love finally writing about my dear brain children, haha.

Ah, how I love thinking about these big ideas while in the shower. I almost teared up in excitement! Which is silly.



Monday 20 June 2011

appropriation and other inspiring things

The most inspirational thing I've read all week: How to steal art like an artist and 9 other things nobody told me.

I wish I could read something like this everyday, maybe then my motivation to succeed in University would stick. Or my motivation in general, as the case may be.

On a similar note (to the blog), I think appropriation is one of the most fascinating forms of art. My Year 12 folio was on appropriation. I know many artists hate it, though. I can understand that. But for me? I see such beauty in these amazing reworkings.
                  "Appropriation is another significant Postmodernist idea. The thought being that if nothing is original, then why not just steal shamelessly? Pastiche, collage, deliberate reworkings of reworkings of other people's words, art and ideas. Appropriation is an important historical practice in art-making, in which the artist uses a previously existing form, image or sound in new ways. The creative effort is defined by the inspired selection and manipulation of found materials. The end result is a strangely familiar, yet an altogether new creation." Cut&Paste: Appropriation Art

by: Wijee

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Request Denied.

Misaki rubbed her temples, eyes shut tight and eyebrows drawn together in hard lines. The paperwork before her continued to pile up, no matter how hard she worked at it. It felt never ending. She sighed, opening her eyes and picking up another form.

Her desk was surrounded by many other desks, all the same in their cold, white appearance. They were in rows, no dividers between them save for a six inch wall attached to the ends of each desk. There was no privacy, and certainly no distinguishing characteristics. After three years of this desk job, Misaki still found it difficult to remember which was her station, only recognising it as hers by the small name tag on the top of her computer screen. Every computer had one, though. Its small text made it hard to distinguish each character from the next, and even after all this time she still--

Misaki sighed, flipping through the form. This one... ah. It was not for her. She passed it across to her right, giving her neighbour a small smirk as they groaned at the sight of more paperwork. She didn't file complaints, thankfully. Misaki only had to deal with requests.

Hah. Requests. What she would give to be able to request a change. She was sick of requests, sick of these forms and sick of her job. There was no challenge. There was no stimulation. She did a simple task all day, and yes, the pay was decent, but sitting in the same uncomfortable chair from nine till three (discounting her frequent toilet brakes and the occasional smoke) was pure, simple torture.

If only she had another option, though. She was only twenty-three, but this simple job was her only experience, other than a casual job she had as a waitress after she finished highschool.

Her fingers absently picked up another form, her unfocused eyes skimming the title. Maybe...

Misaki dropped the paper and turned on her computer, shocking her neighbours slightly. It was out of place.

Maybe she needed to just change anyway. This job was killing her. This monotony, this routine... She opened a new document, watching the little black line blink at her for a moment before typing the first words of her resignation.

She'd find a new job later.

Thursday 28 April 2011

Today is a day, where nothing can happen.


      This is the day. A chapter complete, a moment forever solidified within memory of flesh and mind. It will fade, but its ghostly touch will remain, burning across my shaking fingers and fluttering eyelids. 

      I want to remember you forever, but such a time is approaching its close far too soon. 

        Forever is a life, and all good things end.