Friday 24 June 2011

ideas, hopes and my new project.

I've decided to spend the next five weeks until Semester starts designing and brainstorming my first novel. All I have are the characters, the general tone of the novel (how pathetic! haha) and a vague idea of how it will shape up.

Obviously because I intend to work on this piece until it is the best it can be, I won't be uploading it onto the internet on any of the numerous websites I'm a part of. Aside from this, I do hope to be able to post side stories, or similar things, onto this blog or my deviantart account. Or even my tumblr, perhaps. I also hope to be able to draw the characters as I write down their stories and personalities in accordance to the novel. This part will probably be the most difficult, as many of the characters I intend to use come from vastly different universes to each other (and some of them are approaching a decade old...). But... I will love finally writing about my dear brain children, haha.

Ah, how I love thinking about these big ideas while in the shower. I almost teared up in excitement! Which is silly.



Monday 20 June 2011

appropriation and other inspiring things

The most inspirational thing I've read all week: How to steal art like an artist and 9 other things nobody told me.

I wish I could read something like this everyday, maybe then my motivation to succeed in University would stick. Or my motivation in general, as the case may be.

On a similar note (to the blog), I think appropriation is one of the most fascinating forms of art. My Year 12 folio was on appropriation. I know many artists hate it, though. I can understand that. But for me? I see such beauty in these amazing reworkings.
                  "Appropriation is another significant Postmodernist idea. The thought being that if nothing is original, then why not just steal shamelessly? Pastiche, collage, deliberate reworkings of reworkings of other people's words, art and ideas. Appropriation is an important historical practice in art-making, in which the artist uses a previously existing form, image or sound in new ways. The creative effort is defined by the inspired selection and manipulation of found materials. The end result is a strangely familiar, yet an altogether new creation." Cut&Paste: Appropriation Art

by: Wijee